📨 The start of something small

June 26, 2024

👋 Hello!

tl;dr I’m starting a "newsletter by email" every Friday.

Subscribe or view it online a few days later.


Welcome to a meta-post announcing the new weekly newsletters by popey (Alan Pope). The first real newsletter will go out on Friday, and a public archived version will be available the following Monday.


I like sharing things I create and other people’s stuff I enjoy with my Internet friends. This newsletter will be my outlet for regularly sharing stuff that pleases, entertains or fulfils me. I think you might like at least some of it, too. I plan to share more stuff in the newsletter and a little less of these nuggets on social media.

Each issue of the newsletter is divided into Chapters, which, for some reason, all start with the letter ‘C’.


Creation is a place to share the projects I’m involved in. That’ll almost certainly include Linux Matters podcast regularly. Sometimes my open-source code contributions (no laughing at the back!) may appear. There may also be work-related creations here.

Consumption will link to other people’s creations I’ve enjoyed watching, compiling, listening to, eating or otherwise experiencing. I enjoy cooking, so maybe a recipe or a cooking tip I’ve picked up may feature in this chapter.

Finally, Comment is for my thoughts on various topics, personal updates, and other things that don’t fit in the other chapters. This might include the briefest of hardware or software reviews, fun with my EV, updates on my ADHD journey, mulling over life choices out loud, and whatever else pops into my head.

I may even set some homework targets for the week ahead and report back on them. Please help to keep me on track!

Importantly, I will write or curate all the content, aiming to be positive, uplifting, useful, and/or fun. I don’t want to share internet drama or negativity.


Now, you’re probably aware I’m a nerdy guy. So you can expect videos and podcasts with a technical inclination, links to open-source software, and geeky thoughts.

I will periodically write longer-form posts at my blog, and the popey newsletters will be shorter, more regular, and more timely.


The newsletter is emailed to subscribers every Friday. Subscribe to receive the next issue as soon as it’s out.

You can view every newsletter in the popey newsletter archive. For example, this issue will be found here. Also, the newsletters are available via the RSS feed.

Unsubscribe at any time using this link.

There are no tracking pixels in the mails I send, and I have no intention of selling or sharing the subscriber list with anyone. I send the emails via SendGrid, who are now owned by Twilio. Their terms of service can be found here.


I’m keen on keeping the whole thing very lean and simple. A few links, with a short description of each.

You’ll have noticed I’m not a design guy, so I’m using a straightforward theme for the newsletter. I haven’t fully settled on the visual style yet. That may evolve as we go. It’s monospace everywhere right now, but who knows what it will look like on Friday.

There might be images occasionally, but that’s unlikely to be a common occurrence. We shall see.

Subscribe and find out!

🙏 Thanks for reading.

– popey


Contact popey

© Copyright 2024 Alan Pope. All rights reserved.